Because of this, js-ipfs tutorials may be out of date, and will eventually be archived.
This guide will walk you through the basics of using JS-IPFS, an implementation of IPFS in JavaScript. JS-IPFS is one of multiple IPFS implementations. You will learn how to install and spawn a node using the available libraries, and add, retrieve, read, and remove files. If you are unsure about the meaning of some terms, check out the glossary.
All instructions and examples shown here were performed and tested on an M1 Mac. However, the IPFS commands are the same on Linux, macOS, and Windows. You will to navigate your computer's directories from within the CLI. If you're unsure how to use the CLI, we recommend learning how before continuing with this guide.
There are two ways to work with IPFS using JavaScript; the JS-IPFS library or the HTTP client. We'll show you how to use both in this guide.
Initializing IPFS daemon...
System version: arm64/darwin
Node.js version: 16.16.0
Swarm listening on /ip4/
Swarm listening on /ip4/
Swarm listening on /ip4/
Swarm listening on /ip4/
js-ipfs version: 0.15.4
HTTP API listening on /ip4/
gRPC listening on /ip4/
Gateway (read only) listening on /ip4/
Web UI available at
Daemon is ready
You should be able to point to the webpage(opens new window) using the address output by the terminal
Create a simple Node.js application to host the logic that will allow you to use the RPC API. You'll also use this Node.js application later on to add and remove files.
Start by initiating a new project:
npm init -y
If you have not already installed ipfs-core, add the ipfs-core module to your project:
npm i ipfs-core
Create an index.js file for the application logic:
touch index.js
Now, populate the index.js file by initiating an async function:
constmain=async()=>{// "await" logic to spawn a node}main()
This imports IPFS as a dependency and uses the create() function to create a node instance.
To spawn the node, run the application:
node index.js
You should see an output similar to:
Swarm listening on /ip4/
Swarm listening on /ip4/
Swarm listening on /ip4/
The JS-IPFS implementation is split into several Node.js modules. The following section shows examples of using the HTTP client to connect to IPFS. For more information on the different modules, examine the API Packages table
If you have not already installed the client library, add the ipfs-http-client module to your project:
npm i ipfs-http-client
Populate your index.js file with the following to create an instance of the HTTP API client:
import{ create }from'ipfs-http-client'const client =create()// the default API address http://localhost:5001
This imports the client library and uses the create() function to connect to an IPFS API server.
To connect to the API, run the application:
node index.js
The library internally detects if your machine is running a local node.
If you have not already installed the client library, add the ipfs-client module to your project:
npm i ipfs-client
Populate your index.js file with the following to create an instance of the HTTP API client:
import{ create }from'ipfs-client'const client =create({grpc:'/ip4/',http:'/ip4/'})const id =await
This imports the client library and uses the create() function to define the server endpoints.
To connect to the endpoints, run the application:
node index.js
The library internally detects if your machine is running a local node that leverages the specified connections.
Now you can start to add files using JS-IPFS to the IPFS network.
Section changes coming soon
As the JS-IPFS implementation changes, some of these steps should be deemed conditional. Please reference the source packages(opens new window) for the latest updates.
In a new session, navigate to the directory from which you wish to add a file. You can also specify the file path when using the cli to add a file.
The daemon uses an ADD method to request data from IPFS; jsipfs add. We will use a test file called test.txt to add through the jsipfs daemon.
jsipfs add ./test.txt
You should obtain a result that verifies the file was added and returns the CID:
The file has been added to the IPFS network and has given the file a CID. You can share this CID with anyone, and they can use it on their IPFS node to obtain the content you uploaded.
To view the file contents, navigate to the webui(opens new window) and provide the CID on the search bar. The UI will provide the file contents, similar to the following:
To add a file using ipfs-core, you can create a test .txt file in your project directory or point to a local file on your machine that you would like to upload to IPFS.
Then, using node.add, add an await operator that includes a path and content field and an output message in the project's index.js file:
The file has been added to the IPFS network and has given the file a CID. You can share this CID with anyone, and they can use it on their IPFS node to obtain the content you uploaded.
If you take the CID and load it on the HTTP gateway, you will see the content
Navigate to the directory where you wish to save the folder. IPFS will save the folder to whichever directory you are in. Here, we're going to save the file in the ~/Desktop directory:
cd ~/Desktop
We must specify the CID to the jsipfs daemon to retrieve our desired content. The daemon uses a GET method to request data from IPFS; jsipfs get. We will use the CID from the previous section where we added the test.txt file:
jsipfs get QmWcYcWY5vdDzBcAoLo3rYXQ2tLkjzu57vEePCvyhuwZRi
1 You should see an output similar to:
Saving file(s) to QmWcYcWY5vdDzBcAoLo3rYXQ2tLkjzu57vEePCvyhuwZRi
You will notice a new file in your project directory that is labeled as the CID of the retrieved content.
Continuing with the same Node.js application, retrieving a file from IPFS can be done by using a cat call. We will use the CID from the previous section when we added the test.txt file by passing fileAdded.cid as an argument to However, you can use the same setup to retrieve any file by defining the CID.
By default, objects that you retrieve over IPFS are not pinned to your node. If you wish to prevent the files from being garbage collected, you need to pin them. You will notice that the pin you just added is a recursive pin, meaning it is a directory containing other objects. Check out the pinning content to learn more about pinning.
Removing a file from IPFS does not guarantee that it was completely removed from the network.
There is no way to know if someone else has made a copy of the content from when it became available on the network. This caveat is also found in regular HTTP networks, as nothing stops users from addressing content and creating a copy once it is pushed to IPFS.
Removing the content pin will remove a file from IPFS. In this section, we will remove the pinned test.txt file we pinned earlier.
If you would like to remove a different piece of content, you can run jsipfs pin ls to view a list of pinned content on the local IPFS node:
test.txt file is now unpinned, but it has not been removed from our node completely. To remove it completely, run the garbage collection. The command will remove everything from your node that does not have a pin:
The target file has now been removed from your IPFS node and other files that were not pinned. If the content that was just garbage collected was saved to your computer's local storage, it is still there. If you wish to remove the content from your computer's local storage, you will need to find where it is saved and delete it using the normal deletion method.
Run jsipfs pin ls again to confirm that the CID you intended to remove is no longer pinned.